All images are JPEG RGB 24 BPP colour format and are listed by their width X heigth in pixels. Normally, good quality photographs are printed at 300 DPI. To determine an image's size when printed at 300 DPI, simply divide the image's pixel dimensions by 300. For example, a 1536 px X 2048 px image would be 5.12" X 6.82" when printed at 300 DPI.
The file name appears if the pointer hovers over the picture. Use this as a check to make sure the file you purchased is the file you downloaded. Yes, the file name makes no sense to the image. Ask the artist!
Pricing is by size & sometimes quality. All prices are in Canadian dollars. Some images are available in sizes larger than 4270 px X 6840 px (14" X 22.8" at 300 DPI) as special order prints. Contact Gardhouse Photos for information.
1200 px X 1600 px and less: $2.99
1536 px X 2048 px and less: $4.99
2200 px X 3440 px and less: $9.99
4270 px X 6840 px and less: $19.99
Special Order Print: Contact for pricing.
Commercial use of images is not permitted using images purchased through this site. For Commercial sales please contact Gardhouse Photos.
IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: This Non-Commercial End User's License Agreement (NCEULA) is a legal agreement between you (either an individual person or a single legal entity) and Gardhouse Photos or its agents. YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT BY DOWNLOADING, COPYING, OR USING THE IMAGES.
Gardhouse Photos reserves all rights not expressly granted to you in this agreement. The images are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and treaties. Gardhouse Photos or its suppliers own the title, copyright, and other intellectual property rights of the images. The images are licensed, not sold. This NCEULA does not grant you any rights to trademarks or service marks of Gardhouse Photos.
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Provided you comply with all terms and conditions of this Non-Commercial End User's License Agreement, this Non-Commercial End User's License Agreement grants you the following rights:
You may copy and modify the images from Gardhouse Photos, and display and distribute them, along with your modifications, as per standard non-commercial fair use practices. As well you are not licensed to do any of the following:
• You may not sell, license or distribute copies of the images by themselves or as part of any collection, product or service even if the primary value of the product or service is not in the images.
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This Non-Commercial End User's License Agreement is subject to change without notice. A current copy current copy is available for download in PDF format.
Commercial End User's Agreements are negociated on on individual basis and are not covered under the FAIR USE NON-COMMERCIAL END USER'S LICENSE AGREEMENT. For more information, contact Gardhouse Photos.